Tag: Budget Wedding Photography Pricing

  • Welcome to 2010

    Welcome to the new year. The naughties have gone (did anyone ever really use that name?) and hopefully the worst of the recession with it.
    Personally the last few months have been some of the busiest I have known (so apologies for the dearth of postings) but we have still found time to think about how we can help those who are still feeling the pinch, without compromising on our high standards. We believe we have found some alternative wedding photography pricing formats that you may find interesting.
    We have not forgotten those who are not contemplating the leap into marital bliss. We are re-arranging our portrait services, bringing them right-up-to-date by focussing on a Lifestyle approach.
    We have some new products under development and others we have refined enough to offer to our commercial clients.
    I’m looking forward to 2010 and it promises to be an exciting year.
    The website will be updated as we roll out these innovations.

    Have a great New Year everyone.

    Hope to see you soon.
