Category: Events
Oldham Carnival
Once again, we manned a stand at the Oldham Carnival, taking family photographs and printing them out on the day. We pipped the Kodak booth at the post by being able to make prints at half of their price. But it must have been the hottest day of the year and all the stalls ran out of drinks by lunchtime….oh my…were we dehydrated by the end of the day! and I promise we don’t dress like this with clients (not unless they ask us to!!!!)
Chris and Mike -
Latest Haslington Hall photos
Had a fantastic day at Haslington Hall near Crewe on a wedding photoshoot arranged by DingDong Events
This was taken in the Bridal suite at Haslington Hall. amazing dresses and the jewellery provided by Cheshire Bridal Wear The mask we used for this shoot was the amazing filigree mask “Katherine” provided by You can see it in more detail below.
Make up and hair by LA Hair and Make-up and Vickie Quinn 07894 584847
“Yvonne” Heirloom bouquet by
The stunning floral arrangement was provided by Acer Florists and the amazing candelabra “Windsor” from
Cakes and cupcakes by and
Formals by
Location shots
Oldham Carnival
We had great fun at the Oldham Carnival, sponsoring the stand for Oldham Photographic Society. Mike and I entered into the spirit by dressing as the Mad Hatter and Red Queen and were photographed by fellow photographer Mike Donough, below.
We set up a small marquee with a backdrop and had our laptop and printer running from a generator so that we could take photographs and print them out straight away. This proved especially popular with the carnival princesses and their friends.
Whitby Gothic Weekend
A visit to the spring 2010 Whitby Goths Festival almost back-fired. We dressed gothic and ended up posing for everyone else…but did manage to get in a few shots of our own. We arrived on the Saturday and were pleased and relieved that the recent cold weather had changed to warm sunshine. Finding a parking place in Whitby during the fesival is a bit of a problem but we eventually found ourselves a spot about half a mile north of the town. As we walked along the cliff top towards the whalebones, we encountered more and more curiously dressed people, from steam punk and lolly to emo, romantic, hippy and Victorian…anything goes so long as it’s weird and preferably with a corset (worn on top not as as under-garment). No-one seemed to bat an eyelid as we walked along, so perhaps we looked weird enough too.
Descending the steps towards the harbour I was pleased that I was wearing comfy boots as it was clear I was going to be on my feet all day. Everywhere and anywhere that had a place to sit was already occupied…I turned my attention to the crowds, trying to pick out some of the most interesting characters to photograph. It was at this point that the lovely bright warm sunshine became a curse….bright sunlight and photography don’t always go well together….bright sunlight means harsh shadows and this was not at all what I was looking for…gothic photos need atmosphere…on that Saturday afternoon there was none!
On the Sunday we rose before dawn…as people who know me will confirm, I am not naturally a dawn person…and the dawn on Sunday was very very cold. Arriving in the town, we saw a young goth staggering back to her hotel, presumably after a really good night out! When we reached the pier, I was disappointed to see that two photographers (from Northumberland it turned out) had beaten me to it and were standing in just the place I wanted to photograph, with their tripods firmly planted and most definitely not inclined to move. Still, they were nice chaps and we stood together chatting until I had turned blue with cold and the dawn had fizzled out like a damp squib (I never saw a damp squib but that’s what they tell me it was like).
However, from then on, our day just got better and by lunchtime I was well and truly hooked on gothic and determined to go back for a longer stay next time.
Here are just a few shots from the occasion…
Forgot to say…I edited them a bit! and BTW, the scary looking chap bottom left is Mike, but I promise he doesn’t look like that when we’re photographing weddings (unless you’re having a gothic wedding that is).
What’s new in March?
Fine Art Shop
It’s been a very busy month…but we managed to find enough time between weddings and events photography to get the new Fine Art shop on the road and on schedule. We’ll be adding more prints soon so please come back for another look.
Wedding Shop
We are also developing a Wedding Shop, where couples will be able to log in to their own page and pay for their wedding package in installments. We’ll also be selling some wedding fare in the shop, for example personalised thank you cards for the happy couple and gift vouchers for family and guests to buy. So, yes, it’s another “watch this space”. The wedding shop will be online soon with a simple selection of products.
Wedding Albums
To help out in these uncertain times, we are reducing the price of our storybook wedding albums. This year, they will start at the same price as traditional (matted) albums, from £395 for a 30 page book with a level one cover.
Events Photography
On the events front, we have acquired a brand new Fuji dye-sublimation printer, so we’ll be able to print even faster than before and produce bigger and better prints at events. We are already expanding that side of our business and believe that we are now the premier events photography team in the Oldham area for producing instant prints on the night. But we don’t confine ourselves just to Oldham – we can cover most areas of the north, including Yorkshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire. For charity events we can arrange to donate to the charity a part ofour profits from the evening.
Exhibition Photography
We’ve been too busy to do much exhibition work this year so far as competitors, but Chris was invited as a judge at the Southport National Exhibition of Photography (Digital Section) and also the first UK International Small Prints International Salon (Birmingham event). She has thoroughly enjoyed judging both events. Chris also picked up another award for her fine art print “Ivy Impression” in the Southampton International Salon of Photography at the beginning of March. This work is now available to buy as a “Signature edition” print in our shop.